I think you can begin the celebration anyway.
Welcome to the real world.
The Oracle
okay, if you haven't figured me out yet, read my past forum posts.. so the 2 elders wanted to meet up with me for the last time today to talk to me, but i told them that i want to talk on the phone and not in person as i can speak more freely and have less inhibitions.. they found out that i had committed acts of homosexuality with a few people and they still want to keep me in the congregation somehow.. i, myself, don't feel repentant over what i did and don't really regret much.
if i came across an opportunity to actually be in a relationship with someone and it were to appeal to me, i could potentially take that opportunity.. so now, i need to know what to tell them when they call me in an hour from now.
i want to be able to let them know that i don't mind being disfellowshipped and that i'm not repentant.
I think you can begin the celebration anyway.
Welcome to the real world.
The Oracle
well, it's the big day.
time to go over the checklist..... .
shoes shined.
Congrats Tim!
You have made a wise decision. The journey out is an interesting one.
You should see what you can do to wake up a few minds as you are leaving....there are probably a few worthy ones whom you care about who may still be trapped inside. This is a great opportunity to plant some real seeds of truth... who knows, maybe you can save a few more out of that mess - or at least lay a foundation for a later exit.
All the best to you!
The Oracle
so today was my first sunday meeting that i didn't go with my wife.
as an update she has decided not to move out right now...because she doesn't have anywhere to go.
but she is giving me the silent treatment.
Hi Dan,
I would tell your five year old boy the truth as to why you don't go to the meetings.
Even young kids can distinguish right from wrong, and the WT is very wrong.
Good luck with all this.
The Oracle
i always find it interesting how emails vary in perception.
two more 'snippets' have arrived and i am posting them for forum consumption (this is still technically 'spiritual food') and discussion.as with the last thread, the original author and those they emailed are not responsible!
i was like 4th/5th on the chain of these emails and none knew of my intent to reiterate the contents here in cyberspace.
so what are they trying to say here?
JWs are no longer allowed to have contact with their DF'd children even if they feel it is "necessary family business"? And the bible never made that exception when outlining its policy on DFing (no association period - not even offering a greeting)
The Oracle
what darwin never knew.
part 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpjuhugdk2y&feature=related.
I'm going to watch these later.
Thanks for posting the links.
The Oracle
when i was in school as young jw i would disregard any kind of knowledge that was against what i was taught by the wt.
things evolution, the space, the age periods of the earth, the immnesity of the space, etc etc.
anything that would bring more questions was also disregarded as not important enough to dedicate our valuable time.
yes - although always interested in history and science I would routinely dismiss many of the facts I was reading about as "made up by scientists and historians who were influenced by the demons" - if it contradicted WT science and history.
Since I discovered the WT was kooky-town I have revisited countless historical and scientific topics with renewed enthusiasm.
It really has been a refreshing and enlightening period of time to be learning about the world and universe around me with an open and honest mind. Real truth really is fascinating!
Good Question Cyber!
The Oracle
there was a strange statement in last week's study article.
well, let's be honest: there were plenty of strange statements!
but one in particular bothered me.
Can you say, "complete insanity"?
yes you can.
Thanks for reminding me why I left the crazy world of organized religion for good. (not that I needed any reminding - haha)
I'm glad I continue to log in here once in awhile to see what's happening back in the wild and crazy world of the Jehovah-ites. It entertains me.
The Oracle
as xjws, we know that the year 1975 marked the 6,000th year of man's existence.. this being an "incontrovertible bible truthtm" our penultimate ancestor adam was only about 500 years old when some of his offspring - probably sven, knut and their nameless women - journeyed far north of eden to establish a village that has just been discovered by archaeologists.. this is truly an amazing tale!.
archaeologists find mini-pompeii buried in norway.
see: http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/archaeologists-find-mini-pompeii-buried-in-norway/19667676?test=latestnews.
and better....
if we are to believe scripture, jehovah has been performing one long striptease over the centuries.
his plan has hidden parts we all long to see.
little by little he has dropped a shoulder strap and flashed a peek with the cat and mouse of prophecy.. .
Well said Terry.
The Oracle
Get better soon Lady Lee!
The Oracle